Do you like to unscramble words? Love Wheel of Fortune or other words games? Scrapple anyone? Let me tell you about a game that among the top ten games worldwide! And any age can play! Family friendly, although you do individual plays on teams! Wordscapes is a word puzzle video game created by the American studio PeopleFun. You can play on Android and Apple’s IOS. Many play on the computer or a tablet, but I play on my phone. Wordscapes is a top 10 ranked game at the Google Play Store, and the Apple App Store. To date, over 14 million people have played Wordscapes.
There are no costs involved but if you don’t want to see ads a small $5 will remove ads. You can get many points for each board you solve. Use those points to get letter hints. Eventually you will memorize some words and the game gets faster. Teams compete every weekend from Friday to Sunday.
Not only is this game fun, but it helps to get those memory cells jumping. One Gaithersburg team is called WiseOldFarts that consist of local town players to players across the U.S. to worldwide including members from Australia, Canada and the UK. WiseOldFarts usually rank in the top 5 with whatever team they are matched up with, although they are not anywhere near the highest scoring team in Maryland. A single player in Maryland, named “lalala” and another one named “Dinky” has almost 5 million Brilliance points which is Superstar status. There are some highly skilled players across the globe who smash competitions. So if you are looking for an online game that you can play from your phone or computer, that’s basically free, every weekend- you decide if you are playing with no obligation - then what are you waiting for? Download the app. It starts out very easy with 3 letter words and grows. Enjoy!