Supreme Court Rules on Cheerleader’s 1st Amendment Rights, but Caution is Warranted


Brandi, a high school cheerleader, did not make the varsity cheerleading squad. She posted a rant on social media. The school found out and evicted Brandi from the cheerleading squad. Parents took the case to court. Brandi is now in college and the Supreme Court just ruled on her case. 8-1 the Supreme Court ruled that Brandi’s rant did not disrupt the school of the team. Many are celebrating 1st Amendment rights. There are tee shirts with some of Brandi’s rant being sold online touting a victory in 1st Amendment rights and free speech. 

It would be wise to read the ruling as the Supreme Court noted that if her rant caused disruption to her school, the school would have been in its right to take the action that they did which was to remove her from the team.  The ruling noted persons who cause disruptions to the school either on or off campus could be subjected to school reprimand. 

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