Does America Have Enough Fresh Water?


Imagine shopping for delicious salmon, filet steaks, ribs, juicy fruits and vegetables with government imposed restrictions on how much and how often you could buy these items due to availability. Imagine not being able to turn your air conditioner on whenever needed? It could happen, if the water shortage gets severe enough in the near future. Farmers can not grow crops nor feed livestock if water is reduced. Salmon and other fish can be exposed to deadly parasites not usually a threat in their waters as the water levels shrink. The Hover Dam, is at its lowest level which compromises electricity availability across several states. The federal government may declare a water emergency which may cause a significant reduction to commercial farmers’ ability to have enough water for their farms and this would certainly enforce conservation mandates. What a nightmare! In recent years, the temperatures in western states have reached so high that we are now faced with a water shortage that expands across states where much of our food is grown.

One of the United State’s largest reservoirs, Lake Mead, is at its lowest levels ever. 
This will be an increased risk of wildfires. The higher than normal temperatures create much instability in the area.

Over 25 million people rely on Lake Mead, which is part of the Hoover Dam. The low water levels will affect electricity capabilities all across Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. If the federal government steps in and declares a water emergency, the water supply will get reduced to try to control what is left. 

For many years, western states have been experiencing what is known as a mega drought. Some argue that this is due to wasteful human activity and accept this result as the cause of climate crisis.  

Just in case you are feeling smug because the map shows that the drought is out in western states and perhaps you live in the eastern half, don’t. Water concerns are everywhere, from the water wars between Georgia and Florida, to folks in some West Virginia’s rural areas suffering from poisoning of their well ground water.  The well water is undrinkable because of contaminates left over from the coal and steel industry. 

Will the federal government declare an emergency? If so, will people voluntarily adhere to water restrictions? How will these restrictions be enforced? 

Use this video link below that helps to explain our current water crisis that is a global concern. 
Opening your eyes to the global water crisis

Images courtesy of noaa

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