July 22nd Troy's Torrid Day: The 108-Degree Record

A Day for the History Books

On July 22, 1926, the city of Troy, New York, experienced a day that would be etched into the state's meteorological annals. Temperatures soared to an unprecedented 108 degrees Fahrenheit, a record that still stands as the highest ever officially recorded in New York State.

To put this temperature into perspective, it’s essential to consider the era. 1926 was a time before widespread air conditioning, when fans and ice-filled tubs were the primary means of cooling down. The heat wave that culminated in this record-breaking day must have been a truly punishing ordeal for residents of Troy.

Imagine the conditions: streets shimmering with heat haze, buildings radiating warmth, and a sky seemingly ablaze.People sought refuge wherever they could find it, from basements and cellars to bodies of water. Businesses and industries likely ground to a halt as workers struggled to endure the oppressive heat.

Nearly a century later, the record-breaking temperature of 1926 remains a testament to the extreme weather that can grip even the most unexpected places. While climate change has led to concerns about rising temperatures, Troy's 108-degree day serves as a stark reminder of the heat's potential to challenge human endurance.

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