FREE Virtual Mental Health First Aid-Certificate Program


To the Gaithersburg Post: 

“We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to enhance your mental health skills and support your community! We offer FREE Virtual Mental Health First Aid classes for adults and youth. This is your chance to become a certified Mental Health First Aider from your home.

What's in Store?

  • Engaging Sessions: Our classes are informative and interactive. Led by certified instructors, they provide a dynamic learning environment that encourages active participation and knowledge retention.
  • Essential Skills: Learn how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health issues and substance use challenges.
  • Real-Life Scenarios: Hands-on practice with real-life scenarios to build your confidence in providing support.
  • Certification: Upon completion, receive a certification that empowers you to make a difference.

📅 2024 Class Schedule:

  • Adult Class: [Date & Time]: August 17th & September 21st.
  • Youth Class: [Date & Time]: July 27th, August 31st, and Sep 28th.

📍 Location: Virtual (Zoom link will be provided upon registration)

📝 How to Register:

  1. Click on the registration link:
  2. Fill out the registration form with your details.
  3. Submit and receive a confirmation email.

💡 Why Attend?

  • Empowerment: Equip yourself with the knowledge to assist friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Community Impact: Contribute to a more understanding and supportive community.
  • Personal Growth: Enhance your own mental health awareness and resilience.

These classes are open to everyone, and no prior experience is needed. Whether you are a parent, teacher, friend, or someone who wants to help, these courses are for you!

Join us in making a positive impact. Register today and become a beacon of support in your community.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!


Janel Love, B.S.

Mental Health Awareness Program Assistant

3611 43rd Avenue, Colmar Manor, MD 20722

Access to Wholistic and Productive Living, Inc.”
“Images sourced from  inclusion with sent article “

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