
Passover 2024: A Celebration of Resilience and Unity
*By Microsoft Copilot
I asked CoPilot to write about Passover for this article since the most important night of Passover begins close to sunset today.
Passover, (also known as Pesach), is a significant Jewish (and some Christians’ holiday) that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is also a time of reflection, gratitude, and hope.
The story of Passover dates back thousands of years. According to Jewish tradition, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt under the harsh rule of Pharaoh. Moses, guided by divine intervention, led the people out of bondage.
*The Israelites were told that the angel of death would scour the length and breadth of the land that very night. They were instructed to take a lamb, a young, unblemished lamb, and kill it, then to take its blood and smear it over the lintel and doorposts of their homes.
Moses assured them that all those whose homes were covered by the blood of the lamb would be spared the stroke of the angel’s sword. The blood of the lamb would cause the angel to “pass over” them and not destroy their first born child by death.
This would be the first Passover as death” passed “ over all of the homes marked by the blood of the lamb. (When Jesus came later in the New Testament, which is not part of the Jewish belief but Christians believe that Jesus became “The Lamb of God” so there would never again be any more need for humans to find and sacrifice an unblemished lamb for the remission of their sins). * (inserted note)
The exodus from Egypt was marked by miraculous events, including the parting of the Red Sea, which allowed the Israelites to escape safely.
At the heart of Passover is the Seder, a festive meal held on the first two nights of the holiday. Families gather around the table, retelling the story of the exodus through a series of rituals, prayers, and symbolic foods. Here are some key elements of the Seder:
In 2024, Passover arrives amidst complex challenges faced by Israel. It’s a year marked by resilience and unity:
As Passover is celebrated, let us all reflect on the value of freedom. Both Israel and Palestine deserve to be free to live on their lands. But it is not only about physical liberation but also about breaking free from personal limitations, prejudices, and fears. Passover encourages us to seek justice, compassion, and empathy for all.
In 2024, let the spirit of Passover inspire us to work towards a world where everyone can experience true freedom. 🕊️
May this Passover be a time of hope, renewal, and shared blessings for all. 🌟🙏🏼12 WRITTEN BY BING CO PILOT -Notes added by editor