2024 Color Trend for Clothes


Color experts are predicting that people will be more adventurous with their color choices in 2024, with bright pinks, playful aquas, and rich browns leading the charge. 

- Earthy, nature-inspired tones will be especially big, according to the color experts that release their predictions each fall. This year's trend forecast features earth tones like terra-cotta and moody forestcore-inspired picks that include a rich deep green.

- Pastels and powder blues will also be popular, giving a soft and romantic touch to outfits. These shades are reminiscent of Cinderella and have an icy tone that can be worn all year long. 

- Pistachio is an unexpected shade that will dominate the spring/summer season, as shown by brands like Erdem and Ulla Johnson. This pastel green is flattering for a wide range of skin tones and adds a fresh and vibrant feel to evening wear. 

- Pantone, the global authority on color, has released its Fashion Color Trend Report for New York Fashion Week Spring 2024, featuring the top ten standout colors and five new core classics. The report describes the colors as infused with nostalgia, yet speaking to transformation and hope for the future. 

Image sourced from Levi.com & Google

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