
MOM's Organic Market is a popular destination for organic food enthusiasts. Located at 10 Upper Rock Circle, Rockville, MD 20850, the store is just a short drive from downtown Gaithersburg.
As Thanksgiving approaches, MOM's Organic Market offers a variety of options for your holiday meal. They offer organic turkeys from Koch’s Turkey Farm in Tamaqua, PA, which are free-range and graze on 100% organic feed. They also offer free-range & antibiotic-free turkeys from Sho Nuf Turkey Farm in Fulton, MD.
Their solar panels generate electricity needed. In addition to these, they also offer pasture & forest-raised turkeys from Kellybronze Turkeys in Crozet, VA. These turkeys are dry plucked and aged for at least 7 days resulting in a more tender bird. They forage on a 100-acre farm and are fed all-natural feed consisting of non-GMO corn and soy.
MOM's Gaithersburg is one of the greenest stores in the chain. It boasts a green roof that increases energy efficiency, along with a bioswale and rain garden which help prevent stormwater runoff and filter out pollution in the parking lot. The store also offers free air compressor use, helping to combat the 4 million gallons of gas wasted every day by U.S. drivers with low tire pressure.
The store features two Sema Connect Level II electric car charging stations, a wide variety of bulk offerings from dry goods to household items, and sustainable proteins. They also offer backyard beekeeping supplies.
The store is open from 9am to 9pm from Monday to Saturday, and from 9am to 8pm on Sundays.
Image and news sourced from Mom’s Organic Market.