Congressional Committee Holds High-Profile Hearing on UFOs”


The US Congress held a hearing on UFOs, which saw remarkable claims regarding extraterrestrial life repeated in the most high-profile setting yet. The House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee heard from three witnesses with firsthand knowledge of how the government has handled UAP reports.

Expected witnesses included Americans for Safe Aerospace Executive Director Ryan Graves, retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative David Grusch. The issue has gained widespread attention from Congress and the public in recent years with the release of several recordings of the encounters, which typically show seemingly nondescript objects moving through the air at very high speeds with no apparent method of propulsion.

The Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which was established last year to investigate the phenomena, has investigated roughly 800 reports of UAPs as of May. While military officials have said most cases have innocuous origins, many others remain unexplained.

On Wednesday, the panel heard testimony from Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot who has spoken out about encountering UAPs on training missions; David Fravor, who shot the now-famous "Tic Tac" video of an object during a flight off the coast of California in 2004; and David Grusch, a former combat officer and member of a previous Pentagon task force that investigated UAPs. Graves and Fravor were interviewed for a "60 Minutes" report two years ago about the rise in UAP reports.

The "Tic Tac" ( not Tic Tock) video is an official U.S. government video of a 2004 UFO encounter, taken aboard a Navy fighter jet from the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Nimitz.  The footage appears to depict a 40-foot-long, white, oblong shape (hence "Tic Tac"), hovering somewhere between 15,000 and 24,000 feet in midair and exhibiting no notable exhaust from conventional propulsion sources, even as it makes a surprising dart leftward in the video's final moments.
The video was recorded by Navy Pilot Chad Underwood, who coined the description "Tic Tac" to describe the infrared image. It is one of three UFO incidents captured by U.S. Navy airmen via infrared gun-camera pods. Source: Bing 

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