You Can Make A Difference in Gaithersburg!



Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community? The city of Gaithersburg, MD has amazing opportunities for you! The city is currently seeking volunteers to serve on its various committees.

By joining a committee, you can provide valuable input and help shape the future of your community. Don't just complain about how things are run, take action and work with a committee to make things better. If you're interested, all you need to do is email or write to the mayor and city council of Gaithersburg. Don't miss this chance to get involved and make a difference!

The City encourages you to participate on a committee that may deal with issues of personal interest or require special expertise that only you can bring to the table. All City committee members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission directs the growth and development of the City by reviewing all annexation requests, zoning applications, subdivision plats, development review plans, applications and plans for municipal improvements.

Board of Appeals

This Board hears and decides special exceptions and authorizes variances from the strict application of the terms or requirements of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.

Historic District Commission

The Historic District Commission (HDC) is charged with safeguarding the heritage of the City by preserving sites, structures or districts that reflect elements of cultural, social, economic, political, archaeological, or architectural history.

Animal Control Board

This Board reviews and acts on decisions and orders of the City's Animal Services Division.

Board of Supervisors of Elections

This Board oversees all regular and special City elections, including the nomination and verification of candidates, financial reports and voting.

Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs

The Commission of Landlord-Tenant Affairs hears landlord-tenant disputes and is empowered to enforce provisions of the City Code Chapter 13 Landlord-Tenant Relations.

Community Advisory Committee

This Committee explores gaps in social services for City residents, develops annual statements of needs in priority areas for the issuance of grants/contracts to nonprofit agencies, reviews and evaluates proposals and submissions, and makes recommendations to the Mayor & City Council for funding.

Cultural Arts Advisory Committee

This committee enhances the quality of life in Gaithersburg by developing and supporting cultural, social, and economic opportunities that allow artistic expression and creative excellence to flourish and develop to their fullest potential.

Economic & Business Development Committee

Local industry leaders share information gathered through their business and community activities regarding economic trends, opportunities to target industrial, commercial or retail businesses, and observations from visits to other jurisdictions.

Educational Enrichment Committee

This Committee helps to meet the diverse educational needs of students in the City of Gaithersburg through supplemental City funding of school program initiatives.

Environmental Affairs Committee

This Committee advises the Mayor & City Council on environmental issues, promotes environmental education and outreach activities, monitors county, state and federal statutes and regulations for impacts on City operations, and explores new environmental initiatives.

Ethics Commission

The Ethics Commission is responsible for annual reviews of the financial disclosure and conflict of interest forms completed by City officials, employees, and members of Boards and Commissions.

Gaithersburg Book Festival Committee

The Gaithersburg Book Festival Committee is charged with researching and developing the overall scope of the event.

Gaithersburg Parks, Arts and Recreation Corporation

The Gaithersburg Parks, Arts & Recreation Corporation (G-PARC), an expansion of the former Gaithersburg Arts & Monuments Funding Corporation (GAMFC), is a nonprofit organization that promotes awareness, engages public and private partnerships, and raises resourcing to support new & matured parks, arts & recreation initiatives of the City.

Multicultural Affairs Committee

The Committee's mission is to continue to enrich our City through the promotion of understanding, respect, and appreciation of the many cultures of Gaithersburg.

Olde Towne Advisory Committee

This Committee assists in the coordination of efforts to identify potential programs, projects and initiatives in accordance with the Olde Towne Master Plan and its vision.

Personnel Review Board

Members of the Personnel Review Board consider appeals by City employees of disciplinary actions of suspension, demotion, layoff or termination of employment or discrimination.

Police Advisory Committee

The Gaithersburg Police Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of volunteers who contribute their time and talents to promote public safety, form a liaison between the community and the Police Department, and assist in educating our community for a better understanding of the respective responsibilities of police and citizens.

Senior Advisory Committee

This Committee acts in an advisory capacity, presenting to the Mayor & City Council and the Benjamin Gaither Center's Director ideas for programs and services that enable older adults to function to their fullest capacity with independence and dignity in their homes and in the community.

Transportation Committee

Functions of this Committee include reviewing and making recommendations on policy matters relating to local and regional traffic and transportation issues within or affecting the City, exploring the concerns of residents and business in the City as it relates to motorized and non-motorized traffic and transportation issues, and exploring funding sources for the City's traffic and transportation needs.

Current Vacancies

If you are interested in serving on any of these Committees, please send a letter of interest & resume to: Mayor & City Council, 31 South Summit Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877, or via email.

Animal Control Board (1 veterinary representative; open until filled)
Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs (1 public-at-large & 1 alternate public-at-large; open until filled)
Community Advisory Committee
Cultural Arts Advisory Committee
Economic and Business Development Committee
Educational Enrichment Committee
Gaithersburg Book Festival Committee
Gaithersburg Parks, Arts & Recreation Corporation
Multicultural Affairs Committee
Olde Towne Advisory Committee
Police Advisory Committee
Senior Advisory Committee
Transportation Committee

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